Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
why not use the upcoming OpenJPA?  Apache licensed, same API :)

good q.

This is the code to the forthcoming 2nd edition of "Java dev with Ant", and I chose the jboss/hibernate path because it is the market leader. I do take the time out to say bad things about the JBoss classloader, because its silly. Do you know they fixed it in 4.02 to be sensible, and then on 4.0.3 reverted it to broken for backwards compat? And in the install dialog it says something unimportant like "use common classloader for performance" next to the check box, instead of "use stupid brittle classloader that wont let two webapps run different versions of log4j side-by-side?".

I actually run hibernate and ejb3 persistence API side-by-side, and came out more in favour of the hibernate implementation than their ejb3 layer on top. Because it had quirks (like exceptions not matching the spec), and I could assume different impls. would have different quirks. If you stick w/ pure hibernate you get consistent behaviour. Non portable, true, but consistent.

so the only issue is : how much do you value portability? Especially when there is nothing to stop you embedding hibernate in anything, client or server...


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