On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Sander Temme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Feb 8, 2007, at 9:03 PM, Stefan Bodewig wrote:
>> Yes.  Gump isn't smart enoguh to see the change and thus needs some
>> manual help.  I missed the repository change, sorry.
> We need to blow away the checkout?

This is the easiest way to do fix Gump after a repository change.  If
it is just a change of svn URLs a manual "svn switch" would do, but we
still have some CVS -> svn migrations (on sourceforge) and here simply
removing the working copy works fine.

> Perhaps that's something we could attempt in case of failure.

That would work, yes.

> Is anyone maintaining the Gump(s) on the Zones machine? Perhaps they
> also should be cleaned out and/or have packages added.

When I cleaned out vmgump I did the same on the zone as well.
Packages should be current there since I run an rsync script after
changing packages on vmgump.


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