There is a problem with run 'vmgump-public' (28042008_000004), location :
The log ought be at:
The last (up to) 50 lines of the log are :
- GUMP run on host   : vmgump
- GUMP run @         : 28 Apr 2008 00:00:04
- GUMP run @  UTC    : 28 Apr 2008 07:00:04
- GUMP run by Python : '2.5.1 (r251:54863, Mar  7 2008, 03:41:45) \n[GCC 4.1.2 
(Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)]'
- GUMP run by Python : '/usr/bin/python'
- GUMP run by Gump   : 2.0.2-alpha-0003
- GUMP run on OS     : 'posix'
- GUMP run in env    : 
      HOST_LOCAL_PRE_RUN -> []
      GUMP_PYTHON -> [/usr/bin/python]
      LOGNAME -> [gump]
      MAVEN_HOME -> [/opt/maven]
      PATH -> 
      LANG -> [en_US.UTF-8]
      GUMP_HOME -> [/srv/gump/public/gump]
      SHELL -> [/bin/sh]
      SHLVL -> [1]
      LOCAL_ENV -> []
      M2_HOME -> [/opt/maven2]
      JAVA_HOME -> [/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun]
      HOME -> [/home/gump]
      HOST_LOCAL_ENV -> []
      CC -> [ccache gcc]
      CLASSPATH -> [/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/lib/tools.jar]
      PKG_CONFIG_PATH -> [:/opt/mono/lib/pkgconfig]
      _ -> [/usr/bin/python]
      CXX -> [ccache g++]
      GUMP_HOST -> [vmgump]
      PWD -> [/srv/gump/public/gump/cron]
      MVN_PROXY_HOME -> [/opt/mvnrepoproxy]
- GUMP base directory : /srv/gump/public/workspace
- GUMP base path      : /srv/gump/public/workspace
- GUMP mail server    : localhost
- GUMP mail port      : 25
- GUMP mail from      : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- GUMP mail to        :
- GUMP log is @       :
- GUMP log is @       : /srv/gump/public/results
 - GUMP PYTHONPATH  :  /srv/gump/public/gump/python
Execute : svn update --non-interactive >out.txt 2>&1
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/repos/asf/gump/live'
svn: PROPFIND of '/repos/asf/gump/live': could not connect to server 
Process Exit Code : 1
No pre-run script [].
Gump Version: 2.0.2-alpha-0003

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