On 2010-09-13, sebb wrote:

> On 13 September 2010 05:11, Stefan Bodewig <bode...@apache.org> wrote:

>> FWIU CLASSPATH is completely irrelevant for Surefire.  Surefire uses
>> what you specify inside your POM, that's it.

> Not sure I follow - does that mean that Gump does not override the
> Maven definitions for Surefire?

Gump can't, mvn doesn't allow it to.

Gump installs a proxy between mvn and the central repo (as well as a few
well know other repositories) and when mvn asks for an artifact that has
already been built by Gump (ignoring versions) the proxy will hand out
Gump's jar - otherwise the one from central will be provided.

So build order decides what may be available the POM decided what mvn
asks for in the first place.  You can influence things by pushing a
custom POM into the mvn proxy (I've done so for Xalan so that anybody
who needs Xalan also requires serializer.jar) but this hasn't been done
often so far.

If a project asks for commons-collections with groupId
commons-collections it will get the one built by Gump from the 3.x
branch - if that has already been built - or the one from central.
commons-collections4 should never be provided to a project unless mvn is
asking for the groupId org.apache.commons.

> Commons-scxml-test [1] fails with the same classpath problem
> [3],[4],[5], even though collections3 is on the classpath [2]

The root cause is a change in commons-beanutils.

SCXML depends on Digester depends on Beanutils.  The latter now (in
trunk) depends on commons-collections.  Digester uses the POM from
commons-beanutils in central which only has an optional dependency on
commons-collections and the jar built by Gump where it has become

There are (at least) two solutions:

* make Digester explicitly depend on commons-collections (may not help

* publish commons-beanutils' POM together with the jar to the mvn proxy
  (just a matter of adding a <pom> element to the Gump descriptor) so
  commons-collections ends up being a transitive dependency for digester
  and scxml.


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