
There are totally 8 modules that use Git as their repository type.

As of now on vmgump all of them fail to update their sources and thus
are building from stale content. The error
in all cases is the following:
Command Line

git pull --quiet git://github.com/KentBeck/junit


You asked to pull from the remote 'git://github.com/KentBeck/junit',
but did not specify
a branch. Because this is not the default configured remote
for your current branch, you must specify a branch on the command line.

Here are repository references from all those modules:

1 <git repository="github" dir="/kohsuke/args4j.git"/>
2 <git repository="github" dir="/belaban/JGroups.git"/>
3 <git repository="jline"/>
4 <git repository="github" dir="/KentBeck/junit"/>
5 <git repository="github" dir="/kohsuke/msv.git"/>
6 <git repository="github" dir="/nant/nant.git"/>
7 <git repository="github" dir="/ceki/slf4j.git"/>
8 <git repository="xz-java"/>

Here are links to their update work results on vmgump:

1 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/args4j/gump_work/update_args4j.html
2 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/jgroups/gump_work/update_jgroups.html
3 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/jline/gump_work/update_jline.html
4 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/junit/gump_work/update_junit.html
5 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/msv/gump_work/update_msv.html
6 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/nant/gump_work/update_nant.html
7 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/slf4j/gump_work/update_slf4j.html
8 http://vmgump.apache.org/gump/public/xz-java/gump_work/update_xz-java.html

This issue is specific to vmgump server. The two other servers do not
have this issue.
Here are links for junit module:
4 http://gump.zones.apache.org/gump/public/junit/gump_work/update_junit.html
4 http://adam.apache.org/gump/junit/gump_work/update_junit.html

Looking at gump_work/check_git.html pages all servers use different
versions of git.
vmgump:  git version
gump.zones: git version 1.7.6
adam: git version 1.7.9

So vmgump uses the oldest one.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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