

personally i never download snapshots as snapshots reflect the collection of 
files at a particular date/time

so for example if you would be willing to take 1.8.0 version (no datetime 

in maven configuration file which is named <apache>-settings.xml or 

locate  the configuration file*-settings.xml 
insert the repository that hosts fontbox-1.8.0.jar for example i can locate 
fontbox-1.8.0.jar in mvnrepository at




          <name>Repository for fontbox builds</name>

in the pom.xml add the fontbox dependency











Saludos Cordiales desde EEUU
______________________________________________ altere ni interrumpir esta communicacion...Gracias

> Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 00:11:44 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: new dependency
> Hello,
> I am a developer for the xmlgraphics-fop project. Our build gump has 
> been failing for the last couple of days. While trying to figure out how 
> to fix the problem, which is due to a new dependency on a new jar file, 
> I came across the info below in your 
> page:
> "The most common occurrence of problems here is introducing a new 
> dependency without the Gump project definition being updated. A note 
> <>letting us 
> know what is going on is appreciated when this occurs."
> So it looks like I cannot fix it myself but rather I have to ask you to 
> do so. A new jar, fontbox-1.8.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, was added to the project, 
> so I assume you need to update the project definition. Let me know if 
> there is anything else I can do.
> Thanks,
> Luis

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