Hi everyone! I´m developing a Hadoop project using Cywin, Eclipse and VMWare
(running a Hadoop 0.20.1 distribution, similar to Cloudera´s one). The
problem I´m facing now is that from inside Eclipse´s console I can see all
the messages launched by the jobtracker (i.e "09/11/22 20:28:02 INFO
mapred.JobClient: Spilled Records=200") and the System.out.println inserted
in my code (like "***ENTERING PRIVATE FUNCTION****), but I can´t see any
message if I insert -by example- a System.out.println("INSIDE MAP
FUNCTION"). I also tried with context.setStatus("INSIDE MAP FUNCTION"), but
I didn´t obtain any results.
Is there any way to archive what I´m trying to do?
Thanks in advance.


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