>Basically, your point is that hadoop dfs -cp is relatively slow and could
be made faster.  If HDFS had a more multi-threaded >design, itwould make cp
operations faster.
What I mean is, if we have the size of a file we can parallel by calculating
blocks. Otherwise we couldn't.

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Allen Wittenauer

> On Jul 5, 2010, at 5:01 PM, elton sky wrote:
> > Well, this sounds good when you have many small files, you concat() them
> > into a big one. I am talking about split a big file into blocks and copy
> all
> > a few blocks in parallel.
> Basically, your point is that hadoop dfs -cp is relatively slow and could
> be made faster.  If HDFS had a more multi-threaded design, it would make cp
> operations faster.
> This sounds like a particularly high cost for an operation that is rarely
> utilized.  [This is much more interesting in a distcp context, but even then
> not that great.  distcp in my experience is usually used to push a bunch of
> files, so you get your parallelism at the file level.  Typically these are
> part files are usually the same approx. size.]

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