
I hope we don't have to remove the TaskTracker *grin*.


You mean LinuxTaskController only, right ?

The default is DefaultTaskController, which is not relevant to these

+1. This is the easiest way to get 0.22.0 out.

- Milind
Milind Bhandarkar
Greenplum Labs, EMC

On 8/2/11 1:07 PM, "Devaraj Das" <d...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

>+1 to removing the TaskController code for the 0.22 release.
>In the MR-279 branch, the security issues identified in MAPREDUCE-2178
>have been taken care of (to my knowledge).
>On Aug 2, 2011, at 12:58 PM, Eli Collins wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 12:25 PM, Eli Collins <e...@cloudera.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 12:19 PM,  <milind.bhandar...@emc.com> wrote:
>>>> Having talked to various folks in the community about their
>>>>willingness to
>>>> stabilize and use 0.22 and make it production-quality, here is what I
>>>> propose:
>>>> 1. Cut a release 0.22.0 without mapreduce-2178 patch, with
>>>> hadoop.security.authentication set to simple (I.e. No authentication).
>>>> Make sure that MR-2178 is highlighted as known-issue in the top-level
>>>> (create a KNOWN-ISSUES.txt ?), and carry out a vote.
>>>> 2. Later, when MR-2178 patch is committed, cut a release for 0.22.1.
>>>> have heard of folks working on it, but no date commitments yet.)
>>>> The reason a 0.22.0 release should happen, IMHO, even without
>>>>MR-2178, is
>>>> that the other components of Hadoop stack (e.g. Pig, hbase, hive etc)
>>>> have a release to test against, and fix any issues for
>>>> Also, for folks who do not use kerberos authentication (>90% of the
>>>> users, to my knowledge), it will be a release closest to trunk, with
>>>> appends. Plus, any issues found in the HDFS part of the release would
>>>> directly applicable to the trunk and other future releases. (Not so
>>>> map-reduce, which will undergo major surgery in trunk because of
>>>> Thoughts ?
>>> Sounds reasonable to me.  #1 is what we did for the 0.21 release.
>> Actually, I didn't read close enough. For 0.21 we actually removed the
>> task tracker, think it makes sense to do that here as well.
>> Thanks,
>> Eli

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