I apologize for the wide distribution, but I don't know of any
other mailing list that would hit all the folks involved in
various Hadoop ecosystem projects except for general@

I think there are quite a few  of us attending ApacheCON and
also interested in talking about integrating different Hadoop
ecosystem projects into a coherent Bigdata solution. So far
I don't see anything dedicated to that on the Agenda, so
why don't we use one of the Bigtop events for that.

So, if you're one of the folks who fits the profile, consider:
   1. Barcamp Bigtop session: Tue 11/8 @4pm
   2. Bigtop Meetup: Tue 11/8 @8pm
   3. Fastfeather talk "Building your own Hadoop distribution":

Thanks (and once again, sorry for the wide distribution),

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