On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 01:11PM, Matt Foley wrote:
> I support giving all three active code branches a clean start, on an equal
> footing:
> - The next release of 0.20-security (formerly expected as "") to
> be 1.0.0, establishing branch-1.0
> - The next release of 0.22 to be 2.0.0, establishing branch-2.0
> - The recent release of 0.23.0 to be 3.0.0, establishing branch-3.0,
>     from which the formerly expected "0.23.1" may be released as 3.0.1
> - All three code branches to obey the established major.minor.patch
> versioning rules going forward.

+1 on all three


> - So the next release from trunk to be 3.1.0 or 4.0.0, at the choice of the
> then release manager, and the pleasure of the community.
> Regards,
> --Matt
> On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Doug Cutting <cutt...@apache.org> wrote:
> > On 11/16/2011 10:15 AM, Scott Carey wrote:
> > > IMO what is important from the development and maintenance perspective is
> > > the _meaning_ of the
> > > major.minor.patch numbers as described in my previous message.
> > >
> > > If a minor version number bump means that it is a superset of the
> > previous
> > > release and is backwards compatible, then that requirement on its own
> > > answers whether 0.22 can become 1.1, or if it must be a 2.0 release.
> > >
> > > Whether hadoop starts using a new meaning for major.minor.patch is what
> > is
> > > of interest to me; starting at 1.x.y or 20.x.y or 999.x.y is marketing.
> >
> > Scott, this is a great point.  Thanks for making it.
> >
> > > The version number is completely meaningless on its own, pure marketing.
> > > However, if the numbers gain meaning through a clear definition of what
> > > the major.minor.patch numbers signify, then there is meaning and
> > structure
> > > going forward.
> > > The current state of affairs seems to be:
> > > major:  always 0
> > > minor:  potentially big changes; almost always breaks wire compatibility;
> > > occasionally breaks API backwards compatibility
> > > minor:  typically bug fixes only; 'bug fix' not well defined; almost
> > never
> > > breaks API or wire compatibility
> >
> > Long ago I proposed such rules for Hadoop releases at:
> >
> > http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/Roadmap
> >
> > These state that pre-1.0 releases behave roughly as above.
> >
> > > I think the community can decide two things independently:
> > >
> > > - Should 0.20.20x be renamed 1.0.y ?  (perhaps not, perhaps 0.23 should
> > be
> > > 1.0 and the others left alone).
> > > - Should hadoop adopt a new clear definition of major.minor.patch number
> > > significance?
> >
> > Would you care to call a vote on one or both of these?
> >
> > > example proposal:
> > > * major version number increment: signifies breaks in API backwards
> > > compatibility and/or major architecture overhauls.
> > > * minor version number increment: signifies possible API changes, but
> > > maintains API backwards compatibility.  Wire compatibility may break (see
> > > release notes).  Included functionality is a superset of previous minor
> > > release.
> > > * patch version number increment: signifies a release where all
> > > improvements are fully backwards compatible with the previous patch
> > > version, including wire format.
> >
> > This is also similar to what the Roadmap wiki page indicates for
> > post-1.0 releases.
> >
> > Renaming things after the fact to try to make them consistent when the
> > prior rules weren't consistently followed is not easy.  Instead we might
> > better focus on rules that we intend to obey for releases going forward
> > and then obey them.
> >
> > > Whatever the meaning of the numbers turns out to be will dictate whether
> > > releases after a 1.0.x need to be 2.0.x or can be 1.1.x
> >
> > Good point.  The most accurate approach would probably be to call each
> > existing branch a distinct major release.  Dropping the leading zero
> > would reduce confusion and avoid marketing but would still combine
> > 0.20.x and 0.20.20x which perhaps ought to be considered separate major
> > releases.  For me this is however a reasonable tradeoff since we're
> > better off focusing on improving things in the future than arguing about
> > marketing and how to hide our past versioning mistakes.
> >
> > Doug
> >

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