+1, I downloaded and checked this rc, some of the things I checked:

  - html documentation present in binary: share/doc/hadoop/index.html
  - release is present at:
  - LICENSE, NOTICE and REAEDME are good
  - md5 and signatures good
  - src tarball builds

Testing: All testing on 2 nodes, unsecured
  - all daemons started - hdfs/yarn/history server
  - Ran wordcount, sleep and both passed

Tom Graves

On 3/29/12 5:45 PM, "Arun C Murthy" <a...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> I've created a release candidate for hadoop-0.23.2 that I would like to
> release.
> It is available at: http://people.apache.org/~acmurthy/hadoop-0.23.2-rc0/
> The maven artifacts are available via repository.apache.org.
> Please try the release and vote; the vote will run for the usual 7 days.
> thanks,
> Arun
> --
> Arun C. Murthy
> Hortonworks Inc.
> http://hortonworks.com/

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