Just to keep everyone up to date over here as well, the vote has started over 
on the gene...@incubator.apache.org list.


On Oct 17, 2012, at 5:06 PM, Adam Berry wrote:

> Hi Evert,
> that sounds interesting and certainly useful. If you could contribute that 
> would be great. I'll check back in with you in a couple of days.
> Cheers,
> Adam
> On Oct 17, 2012, at 4:52 PM, Evert Lammerts wrote:
>> Hi Adam, thanks for the initiative, this is good news for us and our users 
>> as well - right now I'm advising ant targets for submitting MR jobs from 
>> Eclipse. I'll have a look to see whether / how we can contribute.
>> Best,
>> Evert
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Adam Berry [ambe...@yahoo-inc.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 10:01 PM
>> To: general@hadoop.apache.org; gene...@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: [DISCUSS] [PROPOSAL] Hadoop Development Tools
>> Hello,
>> Below is a proposal for a new incubator project. This idea came out of and 
>> had strong support on the general hadoop list, see the thread at 
>> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/hadoop-general/201209.mbox/browser.
>> We are looking for feedback, and to see who else would be interested in 
>> contributing to this effort as a committer, as well as an additional mentor.
>> Cheers,
>> Adam Berry
>> Hadoop Development Tools Proposal
>> I’d like to propose the Hadoop Development Tools, a set of extensions to the 
>> Eclipse IDE to support developing against Apache Hadoop technologies.
>> = HDT (Hadoop Development Tools) =
>> == Abstract ==
>> Tools to support developing applications that use Apache Hadoop from within 
>> Eclipse.
>> == Proposal ==
>> Hadoop Development Tools are a set of extensions to Eclipse providing 
>> support for creating, launching and debugging distributed applications, as 
>> well as interacting with HDFS filesystems. This work will build on the 
>> existing Map Reduce Tools present in the Apache Hadoop project.
>> == Background ==
>> Map Reduce Tools have existed as part of contrib for Apache Hadoop. 
>> Unfortunately they are source tied to a single version of Hadoop, and 
>> development has stalled, with little movement past the Hadoop 0.20 line.
>> == Rationale ==
>> Support for newer versions of Hadoop from within Eclipse is regularly raised 
>> on the Hadoop mailing lists, so there is a clear need to drive these tools 
>> forward. Development tools generally are worked on separate from the target 
>> tools/platform, separating the tools out will allow for supporting multiple 
>> versions, so a developer could work with a heterogeneous environment.
>> == Initial Goals ==
>> * Give the tools project a home of its own.
>> * Port current MapReduce tools feature set to all current release lines of 
>> Hadoop in a single Eclipse install.
>> * Documentation and tutorials for all features.
>> * Publish Eclipse update site, and join Eclipse marketplace listing.
>> * Establish release cycle that combines support for Hadoop and Eclipse 
>> release cycles.
>> * Look to build support for YARN, MRUnit and possibly other Hadoop-related 
>> projects.
>> == Current Status ==
>> The source for the current MapReduceTools lives in the contrib section of 
>> the Hadoop source. In its current implementation it is tied to the version 
>> of Hadoop against which it is compiled. The layout and API that it was 
>> developed with means that it can only be used with the 0.20 or 1.0 Hadoop 
>> releases, the new layout and YARN api introduced with the 0.23 and 2.0 lines 
>> are not supported.
>> === Meritocracy ===
>> Several people and companies have already expressed an interest in 
>> contributing to this project, and we hope to attract additional interest 
>> during the proposal discussion. We plan to invest and support a meritocracy 
>> that attracts, invites, and supports newcomers to build a vibrant and  
>> diverse community.
>> === Community ===
>> The target community is developers who are working developing Map/Reduce 
>> applications against Hadoop. Given the success of Hadoop the target group is 
>> likely to be quite large. Separation from the Hadoop community would make it 
>> easier to support multiple versions of hadoop, as well as merging the 
>> release cycles of Hadoop and Eclipse to provide predictable iteration and 
>> improvement in the toolset.
>> === Core Developers ===
>> The initial list of developers includes people experienced with developing 
>> against the Eclipse platform.
>> * Adam Berry (amberry at yahoo-inc dot com)
>> * Jeffrey Zemerick (jeffrrey at mtnfog dot com)
>> === Alignment ===
>> Hadoop Development Tools aligns with both Hadoop and Eclipse. Hadoop as the 
>> platform for the development target, and Eclipse as the IDE platform used as 
>> the base for the tools.
>> == Known Risks ==
>> === Orphaned Products ===
>> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
>> Adam Berry has experience of the Eclipse open source community, and has been 
>> building familiarity with the Apache processes through patches to the 
>> existing source.
>> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
>> Hadoop Development Tools will be developed with a mix of salaried and 
>> volunteer time.
>> === Relationships with Other Apache Projects ===
>> Hadoop Development Tools is closely related to Apache Hadoop.
>> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
>> Given the success of Hadoop and associated projects, Apache is the natural 
>> place for the Hadoop Development Tools. Chris Mattman suggested the Apache 
>> Incubator as appropriate on the Hadoop general mailing list following the 
>> success that MRUnit had taking the path from Hadoop contrib to an Apache top 
>> level project.
>> == Documentation ==
>> Documentation for the current tools can be found at 
>> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/EclipsePlugIn
>> == Initial Source ==
>> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hadoop/common/trunk/hadoop-mapreduce-project/src/contrib/eclipse-plugin/
>> ==  Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
>> The source, and any suggested initial patches, are already hosted either in 
>> Apache’s Subversion or JIRA.
>> ==  External Dependencies ==
>> Eclipse Platform
>> Eclipse Java Development Tools
>> ==  Cryptography ==
>> Hadoop Development Tools likely does not fall into this area.
>> ==  Required Resources ==
>> === Mailing lists ===
>> * hdt-dev
>> * hdt-commits
>> * hdt-user
>> === Subversion Directory ===
>> * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/hdt
>> === Issue Tracking ===
>> * JIRA Hadoop Development Tools (HDT)
>> === Other Resources ===
>> * Jenkins/Hudson for builds and test running.
>> == Initial Committers ==
>> * Adam Berry (amberry at yahoo-inc dot com)
>> * Jeffrey Zemerick (jeffrrey at mtnfog dot com)
>> == Affiliations ==
>> * Adam Berry - Yahoo!
>> * Jeffrey Zemerick - Mountain Fog
>> == Sponsors ==
>> === Champion ===
>> Chris Douglas
>> === Nominated Mentors ===
>> Chris Douglas
>> Chris Mattman
>> === Sponsoring Entity ===
>> Incubator PMC

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