Hello everyone,

we're happy to announce that we have just released Pydoop 0.11.1 (http://pydoop.sourceforge.net).

The main changes with respect to the previous version are:
 * support for hadoop-2.2.0
 * explicit support for hadoop-1.2.1

Thanks to Mauro Del Rio's hard work, we finally have a Pydoop release that supports Hadoop 2!

As usual, we're happy to receive your feedback on the forum:


Pydoop is a Python MapReduce and HDFS API for Hadoop, built upon the C++
Pipes and the C libhdfs APIs, that allows to write full-fledged MapReduce applications with HDFS access. Pydoop has been maturing nicely and is currently in production use at CRS4 as we have a few scientific projects that are based on it, including Seal (http://biodoop-seal.sourceforge.net), Biodoop-BLAST (http://biodoop.sourceforge.net/blast), and more yet to be released.


 * download page on sf: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pydoop/files
 * download page on PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pydoop
 * git repo: https://github.com/crs4/pydoop

Happy pydooping!

The Pydoop Team

Simone Leo
Data Fusion - Distributed Computing
POLARIS - Building #1
Piscina Manna
I-09010 Pula (CA) - Italy
e-mail: simone....@crs4.it

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