Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce the release of Apache Hadoop 2.6.5. Apache Hadoop
2.6.5 is the latest maintenance release in the Hadoop 2.6.x release line.

The 2.6.5 release contains 79 resolved issues:
- 28 Hadoop Common issues
- 23 HDFS issues
- 17 YARN issues
- 11 MapReduce issues

Please check out the Hadoop 2.6.5 release notes page (
for more details. The release documentation is up at
http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.5/. You can go to the downloads section
to try out 2.6.5 (http://hadoop.apache.org/releases.html#Download).

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release by fixing issues,
providing backports and verifying the fixes and release. A special thanks
goes to Chris Trezzo who spearheaded the release management and did a lot
of work to get the release in order!


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