On Wed, 04 Jun 2003 12:03:36 -0400
(Subject: Re: basicPortal to incubator)
"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > P.S. How about Yoga in Mt. Fuji next time, Andy? ;-)
> That would be so awesome...  Get me a gig there and I'll be there
> before you can say "POI is delicious" ;-)   -- Well with airport
> delays that might be an exaggeration.

Haha. Honestly, I am exaggerating that
"Poi -- paste of taro root -- is HORRIBLE bad-tasting, however,
it is well-nourished and most of the Hawaiians eat it as baby
food and therefore they will become BIG and HEAVY as grown-up
--- I think the naming of 'Poi' might sure to be fit to 
the project from this point of view..."
in the top page of Poi translation, as a translator's comment.

I put this comment because I was wishing 'Poi' project
to become BIGGER and more famous ;-)
The origin of each projects' name would cast a long shadow over
the future of it, in general.
(In Tomcat's case, the origin was "Tom and Jerry"??
I remember that the Tom was once named 'Jasper'
in the early 40s' movie ... Now I am writing the issues
on Java Magazine in Japan about the origin of the names
of each projects... Just curious)

By the way,
Welcome to Japa-nese world (Java-nese? ;-), Andy.
I hope you to get more interested in this "Far East"
country and other Asian countries. 
I am sure you will like these countries. And also in Japan,
it is serious problem of the shortage of Java experts,
especially who can deal with the i18n issues (Dozens of the
opensource projects neglected the i18n issue, as is often
the case with them... so, often we could not use in our
language or we faced with the garbled characters...).
I hope that the incubated and incubating projects take
this issue seriously.

I'll bet my 2 cent,  Micro**** should change it's company name ;-)

Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.
(Apache Jakarta Translation, Japanese)

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