
Probably biting off more than I can chew here, I'm currently as busy as the
day is long :-(, but I'd be happy to look at implementing javaMail for

For those who don't know who the hell I am (or what I'm taking about) I'm a
James developer, and James is Apache's 100% Java mailserver.

Its worth noting that the James developers have, from time to time, had
"issues" with the design of Java mail, primarily that it is a client
oriented API which makes life difficult for server developers, we're left
with the choice of rolling our own or shoehorning round pegs into square

Notwithstanding this there are already moves afoot to create several
alternative implementations of javaMail abstract classes, (particularly
message "Store"s[1] where we see a market for implementations of MBOX and
other popular text based systems), and we've also toyed with the idea of
providing our own outgoing SMTP implementation (we currently use javaMail)
in order to have greater control over outgoing mail behaviour (we'd like to
optimse sending and implement connection re-use), and given that we're here
discussing Geronimo perhaps this could be an implementation of
"Transport"[2] to replace com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport

>From the POV of creating another javaMail implementation you may not realise
that Sun have already put a huge amount of implementation into javax.mail.*,
and very much of the inheritance root of javax.mail classes is made up of
abstract classes rather than interfaces. You only have to look at the
javadocs for j2ee to see that there's a much greater ratio of classes
(abstract and concrete) to interfaces in javax.mail than most other

Unfortunately this removes much of the scope we would like to have for
"correcting" the client bias in the API, by creating a ground-up
server-centric implementation.

Anyway I guess I should wait 'till we get a geronimo list before discussing
this much further.


[1] http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/api/javax/mail/Store.html
[2] http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/api/javax/mail/Transport.html

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