On Wed, Aug 06, 2003 at 01:28:08PM -0400, Henri Yandell wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Aug 2003, Ceki [iso-8859-1] Gülcü wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have received a request from Sacha Labourey (from the JBoss group) to
> > review the existing code in our J2EE project to check whether there any IP
> > issues with respect to the JBoss group. Sounds like a reasonable request to
> > me. Are we ready to allow this, and if not, why not?
> >
> > Please note that Sacha is copied on this message.
> And also, should this happen before the code is posted in a CVS
> repository.

Sacha is completely free to review the code, as with any code at the Apache
Software Foundation. We have not (yet) posted any code for review, nor have
we checked it into CVS. Primarily, this is pending notification from the ASF
Secretary that we've received CLAs from the contributors.

Contrary to Henri's comment, we *can* check the code into CVS before JBG
reviews the code. We get Contributor License Agreements from our committers
that state the committers has full rights to the code and has the ability to
grant further rights to the ASF. Strictly speaking, that is sufficient from
the standpoint of the ASF. However! It certainly doesn't mean we'll just
take any old code if we suspect that the committer is not properly abiding
by the terms of the CLA.

As with any of our codebases, should a third party find a problem in that
code, then our action is to immediately remove it from CVS (the ,v file, not
just 'cvs rm') pending a more complete review of the provenance of the code.
Thus, if JBG finds any problems, then we will promptly act to preserve their
rights, then begin a review. We absolutely do not intend to violate
anybody's rights.


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