On Thu, 2004-01-22 at 01:15, Malte S. Stretz wrote:
> On Thursday 22 January 2004 00:34 CET Erik Abele wrote:
> > Indeed and if someone is really interested in meeting other
> > German/Austrian/Swiss/etc. ASF fellows, he/she should have a look at
> > /docs/de-meeting in the committers CVS module. (only 2003 stuff there
> > right now but this will change...)
> Where do I find that module? At least via anoncvs I can't find it and (I 
> think) I have only SVN and no CVS access.

Crap.  Ok, just for the record, the SA guys have been ginea pigs with
respect to SVN only accounts.  It looks like it's too early in the game
for that, so I propose we create the matching unix accounts aswell.
We'll repeat the experiment when we have more services in place and
more projects in SVN (and at least the committers module).

This will allow them to update the status file in Incubator, aswell as
access the committer CVS module.


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