I'm getting ready to request that WSRP4J graduate out of incubator. My main concern has been the community size, but that has been improving lately. We are getting more and more feedback and involvement.

As far as the amount of time it should take to get through incubation, in WSRP4J's case, the market interest is starting to pick up, so the community size will pick up correspondingly. Perhaps it was too soon to bring WSRP4J into Apache back in September, but we didn't know that at the time.

Leo Simons wrote:


Leading to the following bold statement:

    Incubation need not take more than 6 months, and probably less if
    destined to become a sub-project. There are more exceptions to this
    rule than can be imagined, but they are basically either
    "legal" reasons or "community" reasons.

So barring pending legal issues, a project that's been in incubation for more than 6 months is a little worrysome.


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