> > Specifically, a comment like "it is important to get out official
> > (incubation) release files soon since users and developers are
> > waiting for a release to base their productive environments on"
> > makes me nervous.

> Maybe u missed the word incubation in brackets?

No, I saw it.  But I also saw "official"; "release" (as you saw from
elsewhere in my message, that has a particular connotation in Jakarta, so I
avoid its use; and "productive environments".  And from the rest of your
message, I believe that you now understand my point.

> > We don't want people assuming that code in the Incubator has the
> > same imprimatur as code from ASF projects.

> IMO, that is _very_ important. When I started using Lenya it was good to
> know that Lenya is under incubation, so I could lower my expectations

Which gets back to the comments I made above.  :-)

> I have no write access to http://cvs.apache.org/dist/incubator/lenya/

That's fixed.  Looks like the group write bit wasn't set.  But you still
should not be trying to put things there prior to getting approval.  I
mention this not because you, personally, have done something wrong, but
because there seems to have been a prior habit by some Lenya community
members to act first and ask later (if at all).  I'll also note that lazy
consensus is not simply characterized by not being told no.

> put the archives (for the time of review) at
> http://cvs.apache.org/~roku/incubator/lenya/,

That is similar to what others do, and doesn't raise any flags.

At this point, I'm +1 for a clearly marked incubator distribution.  But I
don't believe that Lenya should make this a regular habit.  Focus on the
community issues that are still present.  I'm sure that Steven will have
some things to say on that matter.  Again.

        --- Noel

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