On Mon, 05 Jul 2004 09:16:59 +0200, Martin Marinschek wrote:
> Oh, it will be CVS for now, I believe, as our most-beloved
> programming tools don't have subversion support integrated until
> now.

Which tools would those be? There are SVN plugins for both IDEA 
(http://svnup.tigris.org) and Eclipse (http://subclipse.tigris.org) . For shells, 
TortoiseSVN is also quite good, if you are using Windows, and there is RapidSVN if not 
(see tigris.org). Meanwhile, cvs2svn (http://cvs2svn.tigris.org) will transfer your 
CVS history to SVN.

A bonus is that since SVN supports directory renaming, I believe more history will be 
retained under SVN than you would retain under CVS.

Subversion is designed as a improved CVS, and, IMHO, lives up to its design goals. The 
learning curve is surprisingly minimal.


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