Geir Magnusson Jr wrote on Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:49 AM:

> 1) Release : we can't really do a release while in incubator, but we
> can certainly do milestone feature sets, which may be good enough for
> you


Just to make sure we're all on the same page here (and just for the
enjoyment of bringing this topic up once again ;-)...

There's nothing to stop an incubating project from doing a release
as long as they follow the incubator policies*, which basically 

1. getting Incubator PMC approval (often done through a vote of 
the project's PPMC, which should include interested Incubator PMC 
members )

2. labeling all downloads with the token 'incubating' somewhere in 
the filename.

3. including the incubator disclaimer text in the README document
and also on Web site pages that link to the download.




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