On 9 Nov 2004, at 14:54, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
On 8 Nov 2004, at 18:53, Jeremy Boynes wrote:
I think we may be in violent agreement here :-)

I think we should add some type of collective entity, I just hesitate to call it a Group as that tends to be associated with a specific model ( a relatively static set of users and other groups). Call it Assignee or something and allow for more dynamic models :-)
Cool; I'll submit a patch.
Assignee sounds a bit vague; how about Workgroup, Role or Team?

That kind of leaves out the poor old individual user but I agree Assignee is a weak name - better than "ThingToAssignTheTaskTo" I guess although that could be refactored later :-)


Given those, Role would be my choice although that tends to get overloaded as well. I have seen "Role" used by a few different business communities so it may fit their world view well.


How about adding another word to make it more specific - WorkflowRole, WorkGroup or ActivityGroup or something?


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