BEA has a very public marketing campaign around Apache Beehive, and I'm
not saying this is a bad thing per se.  It is good to see BEA is so
involved with Beehive, and I hope it takes off, but it seems a little
presumptious to advertise for "Apache Beehive" when the project is not
yet incubated.

I also understand that BEA developers have little say as to what BEA's
advertising dept schedule is.  But, I thought one of the original things
about the incubator was that you were not allowed to call it "Apache X"
until the project was officially associated with the ASF (i.e.
Incubated).  I remember a year ago someone talking about how a project
wasn't officially associated with the ASF until you made it past all the

I'm only bringing this up within the context of a previous discussion
about trademarks and how we were encouraging people to call things by
official names (i.e. discourage the deprecated "Jakarta Struts" if favor
of "Apache Struts").

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