On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 09:27:52 +0100, Manfred Geiler wrote:
> Hi Ted, hi James,
> We would like to release the first Apache MyFaces version as soon
> as possible.
> Can you please tell us the preconditions and something about the
> infrastructure? How and where the archives should be uploaded, etc.

Many teams had been using a release-candidate/release system. Some of us, 
including Struts, are now using a milestone/grade system. We tag-and-roll a 
milestone distribution, and then decide whether it is Beta or General 
Availability quality. A Beta release can later be promoted to General Release, 
if appropriate.

So, you roll 1.0.0 and announce it on the Dev list, to see if the Developers 
like it. If they do, you can deem it "General Availability" and announce it as 
the "Best Available Version". If the Developers like it, but think it needs 
wider testing, you can deem it "Beta" and announce it on the User list. 
Otherwise, you can just withdraw it and move on.

If problems surface later, a release can also be demoted. Typically, this 
happens when a security issue is found.

Regardless of what happens to 1.0.0, the next distribution will be 1.0.1.

This strategy eliminates the need to re-roll a release if it otherwise OK. It 
also makes it easier to let development continue normally. You always know what 
will be the next milestone.

So, the team decides to tag-and-roll a distribution. The archive(s) can be 
posted at <cvs.apache.org/dist/incubator/myfaces/1.0.0> and announced on the 
Dev list. If the team deems it ready for wider distribution, either as a "Beta" 
or "General Availability", you can sign the release and submit it for mirroring.

* [http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?SigningReleasesHow Signing 

* [http://apache.org/dev/mirrors.html Apache Mirroring Guidelines]

Signing is *much* easier than it sounds :)

The tricky part is getting a link to the mirrors up on the web site, since 
there is a CGI script to negotiate. But I can help with that.

For Struts, we've developed a checklist to help administer the releases.

* http://struts.apache.org/release-checklist.html


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