Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> >Do you have a clue as to how this would have happened?
> >Do you mean that it disappeared when the top-level Incubator
> >site was generated? It should not, because the project sites
> >are separate from the top-level site.
> I have no idea -- the entire directory tree was removed.
> There is no indication that subversion knows about it at
> the top-level, so my guess is an accidental rm -rf ...

The Incubator top-level is in repos/asf/incubator/public/trunk/
and each project is at repos/asf/incubator/$project/
i.e. they are entirely separate. So someone must have done
rm -rf on the server. Yikes.

> ...unless it is some new feature of forrest.

No. As per [EMAIL PROTECTED] requirements, Forrest does not
do any automated VCS checkin of generated sites. That needs
to be a manual task.


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