On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 09:55:01PM -0500, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> I'm willing to serve as either mentor or ppmc member, as you will.
> +1 to STDCXX -entering- incubation.

Glad to hear it.  You can help me and Ben help them.  =)

It's been pointed out that mentors should be on the Incubator PMC.  So, if
you want to do this, we need to go through the process of adding you to the
PMC.  (If this is an issue, please let me know; otherwise, I'll start that
process in the next day or so.)

> One point, is STDCXX a Mark of Rouge Waves', or is it your newly
> invented name?  We avoid adopting other marks (we have, but with
> lots of extra, ugly paperwork.)  Before the project is chartered
> I'd like to see it incubated under its future name.

AFAIK, this was a new working name that Rogue Wave came up with just for the
purposes of Incubation.  I believe that once incubation is started, there will
be a discussion about picking a more permanent name.  However, that discussion
is best held off until all the mailing lists are set up.  -- justin

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