Leo Simons wrote:
So, ehm, one more time,

Could you peeps *please* stop using [EMAIL PROTECTED] for questions
like this? Development at apache happens in public.
general@incubator.apache.org is the e-mail address to use for questions like
this. Please subscribe to it, read through some of its archives, and see how
"things are done". PMC mailing lists (and similarly PPMC mailing lists) are
for very sensitive issues only.

I apologize for using the wrong list(s). My only excuse is that we
CC'd stdcxx-dev on our original question but got no responses. I was
misled by the Releases section of the Incubation Policy document,
specifically this sentence:

  Podlings in Incubation SHALL NOT perform any releases of software
  without the explicit approval of the Incubator PMC.

into believing that [EMAIL PROTECTED] was the list where we
should turn with questions/requests regarding releases from the

FWIW, I am subscribed to the incubator mailing list and have read
some (although obviously not all) of the past posts. I have been
using http://mail-archives.apache.org/ as the interface to browse
the archives. I don't see any way to search through them, though.
Is there a different page that I should use?


Answering your question,

yes, any tarball or zipfile or other distribution you push out to users
falls under the policy referenced below. Apache is extremely proud and
protective of and confident in the quality of the software it releases, and
you should be too. Review is hence a necessary part of that process. You can
find examples of asking for approval in the [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
archives, for example the Derby project made a few releases under

Hmm. I tend to consider "release early, release often" a good thing. Maybe
we'll change policy if it proves too cumbersome. But we'll stick with it
until that's actually the case :-)



On 01-08-2005 17:46, "Martin Sebor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Could someone kindly clarify for us the process of obtaining
an approval to publish development snapshots of the stdcxx
podling? The details of what we'd like to do are in the email

Thanks in advance!

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Question about stdcxx development snapshots
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 17:24:10 -0600
From: Amit Jindal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: stdcxx-dev@incubator.apache.org, Martin Sebor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I have a question about providing development snapshot of source code to
stdcxx users.

What we would like to do is, make a snapshot of the initially
contributed stdcxx sources (revision 219596) available for download. (No
documentation in this tarball). Going forward, we would also like to
make snapshots available on a semi-regular basis (say once a month,
depending on how active the project will be).

This is to increase interest in the project for users who do not want to
pull code from SVN and just want to give stdcxx a test drive.

However according to incubation guidelines:
We may not do releases without permission (and review).

Will such development snapshot be considered a release or are we allowed
to provide this to users of stdcxx project?


Amit Jindal
Rogue Wave Software, A QUOVADX(tm) Division

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