Rana Bhattacharyya wrote:
>    I am terribly sorry and thank you all for helping
> me out. Now I am trying to write what I have
> understood so that I won't mess-up again. Please do
> write your comments.

Thanks Rana. I will add some of your notes to the
Incubator docs, already done some today:

> 1. The source repository :
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ftpserver/trunk/
>    The generated document for the project website :
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ftpserver/site/

Generate your documentation, copy it to that directory
which you will have done 'svn co' on your local workstation.
Do the usual verification, then do 'svn commit'.

> 2. The new project site will be
> http://incubator.apache.org/ftpserver
> To update the site, first we have to login into
> people.apache.org and then do a svn update at
> /www/incubator.apache.org/ftpserver directory. The
> cron job will publish these pages later.
> ssh people.apache.org
> cd /www/incubator.apache.org/ftpserver
> svn update


> 3. The generated javadoc will not be in SVN. Instead
> an empty directory will be there in SVN. The javadocs
> will be copied manually somewhere under
> /www/incubator.apache.org/ftpserver directory in
> people.apache.org.

Yes, e.g. ftpserver/javadoc/

> 4. STATUS (or status.xml) file has to be added in SVN.
> The location should be
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ftpserver/STATUS.
> This file is used by PMC. It is not used in any way to
> update any page.

Sorry, i do not know what that file is.
Look at some of the other incubating projects
to see how they have set their svn space:

> 5. One thing is NOT clear to me. Who can update the
> page
> http://incubator.apache.org/projects/ftpserver.html.
> Or how does it get generated?
> I can see the wiki page :
> /incubator/public/trunk/site-author/projects/ftpserver.cwiki

That is for your PPMC and mentors to update.

The following notes explain how it gets generated:

You can just update the source and someone else
will take care of generation and publishing.

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Now release related issue:
[ snip ]

... i don't know anything about that. Be careful when
asking an unrelated question. They can get easily overlooked
on a busy list. Start a new subject.


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