On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 12:57:59PM -0800, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
> On Dec 21, 2005, at 11:04 AM, Ted Leung wrote:
> >How is this possible when any other PMC can vote to bring a project  
> >in without approval of the incubator PMC?  Just look at the raft of  
> >projects being brought in via Geronimo and the WS PMC.   There's  
> >not a thing I can do, regardless of the merits.  The only thing I  
> >can say is whether or not their community is good enough to merit  
> >graduation.
> Right, and that's the only thing you are qualified to do.  You don't
> have the right to tell other people what they can or cannot do at
> the ASF.  You don't have the right to say that one project is more
> deserving of our resources than some other project.  What you do have
> is the right to be involved, to help their incubation (or not), and
> to vote against their graduation if you so desire.

Exactly. The other PMCs are authorized to perform actions on the ASF's
behalf, in the interests of the ASF. If they determine that bringing
Project FOO to the ASF is the best choice, then it is a done deal
unless overridden by the Board. And I will note that the Board will
give extreme prejudice to the authorizing PMC, so any appeal to the
Board better have some good reasoning :-)

The Incubator *is* charged with ensuring that the legal needs have
been met, and that there has been appropriate teaching about how
Apache projects are run. The Board *has* authorized them with
performing those actions.


Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/

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