On 12/21/2005 3:13 AM, Leo Simons wrote:

On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 10:59:11AM +0000, James Strachan wrote:
On 20 Dec 2005, at 19:33, Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
It's not actually a dumb question, but rather one that I always took for granted... I realized when asked by Alan that we never had the need to codify it...
Yeah - I've never seen it actually written down anywhere & noticed that the Roller project hadn't switched domains yet.


I wondered why this was mandatory; the purpose of the Java package name scheme is purely to avoid clashes; provided the .org domain name is owned (& we'd be happy to donate to Apache) I don't see why we need to force a major package name change on our users. If it is mandatory then hey we'll comply I'm just questioning who made this decision and why?

Sun Microsystems in their coding standards :-). It was in retrospect
not such a good idea perhaps...

One thing we *can't* have is trademarks that aren't owned by the ASF
(registered or not), so *if* the package isn't changed then yes the
org.roller name and domain *should* probably come under full control of
the ASF (I'll say that's a good idea anyway).

I think the package name change is currently not mandatory, but perhaps
it should be.
FWIW, ActiveMQ and ServiceMix are currently in the process of being transfered.


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