--On December 22, 2005 3:26:57 PM -0500 Rich Bowen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As I look through the list of projects in the incubator, trying to figure
out where I can be useful, I notice several projects that have been in
the incubator for a LONG time.

Which got me thinking ... is there a graceful exit option? I see on the
list that one project is listed as a "Failed incubation", which seems
really harsh. Is there an option for "You're very nice, but you just
don't fit at the ASF"? Or is it assumed that the two options are
"Graduate" and "Keep trying."

It takes as long as it takes.

The only requirement I have is that there is a continued effort towards attracting community. If a project goes completely dormant (i.e. no traffic whatsoever), then yes it can fail and should be terminated.

However, placing arbitrary limits on the Incubation period is the opposite of what we want to achieve. It would "force" a community to meet artificial deadlines when that may be the worst thing we could do. -- justin

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