I don't mean to beat a dead horse here, but this reminds me of the old joke :

Patient : "Doctor, my arm hurts when I life it like this..."
Doctor : "Don't lift it like that..."

I needed to "lift my arm".

I had a page that I didn't wish to have as part of the site (i.e. I didn't want the site to have a live link to it) but I wanted to change the content for anyone out there that still had a link (like Google!).

So I needed to modify and render a page that wasn't part of the formal site tree. The solution? After hours of beating my head against the wall, the solution was to Link something to it, render (go for coffee...), then change the link back, re-render (go for coffee...)

Oh, and since we're on this subject, one more thing - when running Forrest in local server mode, it **WILL** render things that aren't linked when you browse them. IOW, letting forrest render everything to disk as a batch didn't fix my page because nothing linked to it. Running forrest and me hitting it on localhost with a browser *did* render it when I put the URL in. (And then it didn't write the rendered output to disk... Imagine my bafflement...) So I think that you should choose one mode. And it would be very useful if I had gotten a message in the online mode that said "you are looking at a resource that currently isn't linked to by any of the control documents" (or whatever) it would have saved *heaps* of time....


David Crossley wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

Tim Williams wrote:


The Forrest project uses a tool called JIRA [1] so that users like you
can add feedback/feature requests like this one.  Your request is much
more likely to get addressed there than on the incubator mailing list.

For the next one, I'll do that. For this one, I'll assume it's in safe and responsible hands.



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