Responding to some issues that people have with the
layout of the current forrest-based website.


If you want me to implement any of these immediately
then say so.

Get rid of PDF
There was a PDF generated for every page. The idea was
that with complex process documentation people need to
print it to be able to read, comprehend, tick it,
show/file a paper copy, etc.

A upcoming version of Forrest (probably not next)
will enable per-page PDFs rather than all-or-none.

The PDF button at top-right is now removed.
The Print button remains. 

Get rid of Tabs
There were four Tabs:

Home - this still remains.

Projects - All current projects were listed down the left.
This was superfluous and also meant that generated html
pages changed when a new project was added.
Gone now.

Learn - The beginnings of some general documentation.
Gone now. I reckon that we should intead point to
www.a.o/dev/ documents.

Whiteboard - just pointed to Wiki.
Gone now. Just have a link in the main navigation. 

Hidden items in left-hand navigation
Incubation policy documents were hidden in collapsed
left-hand menus.

This is a distinct lack with Forrest. By default
these groups of items are shown collapsed, and only
open when you select it or visit of the group's pages.
Will to Forrest issue tracker. Needs a "collapse" attribute.

The workaround is to bung them all in the About group.

Get rid of W3C html/css compliance logos

Change the logo and banner
Can be done, but not done yet.

Get rid of the swathes of blue bars
Could do some minor tweaks, remove breadcrumb trail,
reduce footer, change colours. Not done yet.
Also Ross has the beginnings of another theme to
enable a bland look, if needed.


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