On 3/19/06, Justin Erenkrantz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/19/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > sorry for the confusion: this is about the actual process of preparing
> > the paperwork required by the incubator not the receipt of the
> > software grant form. AIUI the receipt of the software grant form needs
> > an officer but an officer or a member can fill in the rest of the
> > paperwork required by the incubator before they can approve a grant.
> Well, anyone can fill out the form.  Then, an Officer can receive the
> form on behalf of the Foundation (the preferred recipient for all
> forms is the Secretary).  The Incubator PMC still needs to review the
> form to ensure it is up to our standards before the code donation can
> commence (i.e. that it is the right document, etc, etc.).
> The Officer receiving it is not ensuring the legitimacy of the
> document - they are just saying, "Yup.  Got it."  The Incubator PMC is
> responsible for confirming the content of the document and ensuring
> that it's "right."

it's the not the software grant form i was talking about: the incubator has
it's own form which needs to be filled in and committed into subversion
before the incubator pmc will sign off the grant. see

the software grant form needs to be filled in by the donator and ack'd by an
officer (ideally jim). the incubator form needs to be filled in by either an
officer or a member and committed into subversion.

- robert

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