James, dude,

On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 07:15:48AM +0100, James Strachan wrote:
> On 4/20/06, Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 10:59:30PM -0400, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > > -1
> > >
> > > Bill Stoddard is correct in his understanding of
> > > http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases.  
> > > The
> > > fact that other people have voted +1 without verifying that the release
> > > adheres to Incubator policy is a bit disturbing, but that's why we have
> > > multiple sets of eyes on these things.
> >
> > More than a bit, if you ask me. People even asking for a vote for a release
> > without a NOTICE file is like, seriously messed up. What is going on around
> > here lately?
> Thanks for volunteering Leo to add details of the NOTICE file to the
> Incubator release policy :)

*sigh*. I feel like a broken record these days.

Nowhere does any policy ever say "you can do stuff which is not permitted by
law or for which you have no license". To state the reverse in a policy would
be rather, well, redundant. There is ample documentation out there on our
websites (and more in the works) to help with complying with the law and various

To give you an idea.

I have volunteered to help with a less confusing contribution policy. You can
find it at


I have also volunteered time and effort to help with a less confusing third
party contribution policy, of which you can find a draft at


The result of these documents will be folded into the incubator policies as
appropriate in due course (and I might very well be the person to take care of
some of that), but we're not quite ready for any of that yet. Until that time,
each and every project needs to figure it out on its own.

I have previously written a whole bunch of documentation for different projects
on how to do releases, eg, see some old info at


and I have also been helping out for several years now to get that kind of
info on the central ASF website about this stuff, eg


which is referred to many, many times from the incubator website.

The relevant section of that documentation (for this thread) is


which, I would think, is already quite clear. Thanks for volunteering to make
it more clear. I wouldn't really know how.


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