On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:

So, the guide that I'm "tackling" is the "Podling Branding" guide.

It would be nice to tackle the still-nonexistant Apache branding
guide as well.  That way you could link to it from this doc.

Here's what I'm proposing after some feedback from others here in Dublin:


Podlings are, by definition, not yet fully accepted as part of the
Apache Software Foundation. Therefore, they are subject to additional
branding constraints.

1. The podling MUST be referred to as "Apache <Podling>" AND mention
that the project is under Incubation.  Suitable mentions are:

 - Inclusion of the http://incubator.apache.org/<podling> URL
 - The statement that "Apache <Podling> is currently undergoing
Incubation at the Apache Software Foundation."

These statements only need to be disclosed upon the first reference in
a document.

+1. Note that we used to be "The Jackrabbit project of Apache Incubator"
prior to graduation as "Apache Jackrabbit", but that led to a lot of
documentation needing to be changed at graduation.

On other notes, please spell out PRC as public relations committee.
PRC and PMC are so similar that my eyes confuse the two while reading
a bunch of acronyms.


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