On Jul 14, 2006, at 1:57 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Roy T. Fielding wrote:

It is absolute nonsense to have someone guiding newbies through
the ASF process when they haven't even made it to the halfway
point themselves.

Membership is a half-way point?  What's the full distance?  ;-)

I'll let you know when I get there.

But I agree with you: "It is absolute nonsense to have someone guiding
newbies through the ASF process when they haven't even made it to the
halfway point themselves." And so we should not elect them to the Incubator

No, anyone involved in the process should be on the incubator PMC.
You don't have to be a mentor to be involved.

We just voted to elect a non-Member ASF Officer to the Incubator PMC in order for him to act as Mentor for the projects sponsored by the PMC of which he is the PMC Chair. Do we wish to declare that election and process null and void? Or do you concur that the Incubator PMC has the right to
elect whom it feels appropriate to execute the role, based upon its
collective human judgement?

The Incubator PMC decided that only an ASF member can qualify as being
a Mentor, period.  That has nothing whatsoever to do with who is able
to be on the PMC.

Is the Board wrong to permit Officers who are not Members? Just how far do you want to take this? Are you really going to hold the Incubator PMC's
(and the Board's) decisions hostage to the voting schedule of the

Yes.  The only way that we have for the ASF as a whole to validate that
someone has sufficient clue and commitment to guide future projects
is to elect them as an ASF member.  No one else has the right to say
they are qualified.  There are some people who should have been made
an ASF member long before they became officers, but that is in the past.
Right now, the people who are officers and not yet ASF members simply
do not know what they need to know to do their job well, and we struggle
from that quite frequently.

That doesn't mean people need to be an ASF member to be involved in
incubation of a project -- they simply don't meet the required need
for a Mentor who is an ASF member.


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