Ted Leung wrote:

On Jul 14, 2006, at 10:51 AM, David Blevins wrote:

Assuming we decide to start ppmcs with a chair, there's no reason you couldn't start with one of the mentors as the chair and make it an objective to exit with one of the incubated committers as the chair.

Given that I know nothing about project X I'm mentoring, but that we don't
know who of the project X community would be a good choice to step up, yes.
I would be happy on one of my pure-mentorship projects to act as their chair,
gently nudge people into making consensus decisions, etc etc, and then as
a group we determine that Joe would make a fine chair.  The trickier bit is
when Sam wouldn't make a fine chain because he's too damned opinionated and
can't set that aside with his chairman hat on.  That's the sort of social
dynamic best fleshed out while the project is *still* in incubation.

I don't want a project to *graduate* with a mentor as chair (unless said
mentor is staying with the effort).  Better that the entire unit shows that
it acts as an ASF project when we give it the good asfkeeping seal.


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