Brian McCallister wrote:
If the goal is to create a standard protocol for messaging stuff, this requires a lot of buy in from a wide range of parties. Keeping the protocol behind closed doors and with a mysterious future sabotages this. Transparency is, I believe, a major requirement for accomplishing this goal, and the process is anything but transparent at the moment.

I agree with you; a transparent, inclusive process is essential to building support for the protocol. I think all the members of the protocol working group would agree also.

I would describe the future as vague in some of the details rather than mysterious. The intent has been made clear, namely that the protocol should be open and free for anyone to implement and should ultimately by controlled through an appropriate standards body. Before that happens, the current working group intends to work with a community of interested parties to ensure that the '1.0' release is fit for purpose. The current working group is open to new members and is eager for feedback from anyone.

Both of these points would be lightened if the folks presently involved with the specification process seemed to recognize them as issues.

Your first point, if I understood it correctly, seems to be a question for the ASF, rather than the AMQP protocol specification group. With respect to the second point, as I state above, I think the need for an open, transparent and inclusive dialogue with all interested parties *is* recognised as essential for the protocol to fulfill its objectives.

To my reading, they are not recognized as issues, and there has been no public discussion by the folks actually involved with the protocol spec about this. The extent of it has been to say, more or less, that they doesn't think there is a problem.

I'm not sure whether you are referring here to a specific post(s) on this list or some other forum. In general though, there seems to be two questions: (i) is openness important and (ii) is openness currently achieved. Am I correct in assuming your concerns are related to the second of these? Can you give more detail on what you feel the problems are?

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