William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
Last and final objection, I want to make sure I am not missing something...
the contract between the spec participants is or is not public?  If public,
was there a link I missed?  If so, can it be added to the proposal for
completeness sake?


William, to this last point that has not been covered in a previous posting

I have to say partially public.

Short explanation, about two weeks ago a similar question was asked and based on
what was asked, I had requested from the working group to be able to publish
the "joint objectives" and the license that the working group will provide to the standards body once selected and submitted to. This has been added to the wiki. The 'Joint Objectives'
is copied below.

The agreement is a non-NDA document, and the working group provides it to anyone who requests it that said I would prefer to discuss any publication of the agreement on open web sites or mailing lists with the working group prior to doing so. As this group is is new, it is still working out many policies internally. Out of respect for those members of the group who are out on summer vacations it seems best to wait for the majority of the
other members to have returned before I make such a request.

I think it is good to clarify that I have two hats, one as a proposer of project to incubator and one as a part of the spec working group, and the hat I have to wear for this issue is as a representative of the working group and not as a committer on this proposal


Joint Objectives (from AMQP Participant agreement)

A. Members wish to work together to collectively create a Specification for an open and interoperable messaging protocol, to enable the
development and industry-wide use and for widespread deployment.
B. The goal is to have the protocol generally used for messaging, capable of servicing the industries' most complex and demanding environments. However, it is intended to be simple to use and relatively easy to implement. C. It is not the first objective of this group to drive the creation of middleware APIs complimentary to the AMQ Protocol even though an API might be specified along with protocol for the express purpose to understand and test the protocol itself. This is important as the protocol will be general purpose and usable from any language, and any platform without prejudice and bindings for many languages and platforms
will need to exist once the protocol is specified.
D. Members are encouraged to provide open (OSI) licensed implementations of the AMQP Specification. Prototype implementations of Draft revisions of the AMQP Specification may also be produced by a member for demonstration, proof-of-concept, or market development purposes provided prior approval to such a prototype implementation has been given. The aim being that the unity and cohesion of the AMQP Specification is not weakened by forking or manipulation of the market by early release of non-conformant implementations. E. The group will promote the use of the protocol and conformance with the published AMQP Specification. F. The protocol will not specify payload formats, but rather concentrate on interoperability of the messaging "envelope" and all the related components including but not limited to areas such as security,transactions, persistence, synchrony, bridging, tunneling, queuing semantics, reliable multicast and distribution optimizations to name a few.

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