On 08/08/06, Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The latest example is all the debate surrounding whether or not the
"glasgow" name is appropriate. Up until about a week or two ago, it
certainly was accepted practice (just look around), and now 'suddenly'
there's messiness. Its ok if opinions change (we had a loooong debate
a few years ago about "geronimo" as a name and that made it), but it
must be very confusing.

Perhaps we should have two mailing lists.


Mea culpa.
I made the mistake of provoking a debate on name policy within the
Glasgow threads. This, with hindsight, was wrong. I should have
started a new thread and used Glasgow as an example instead.
I understand that this must have confused and pissed off the Glasgow
folks. Please believe that this was never my intention. If I was
having a go at anyone it was at the incubator's ASF folks who are much
more immune to this kind of random venting in any case. I suppose I
expected my voice to be largely ignored, not to whip up a mailstorm.

Glasgow folks, please accept my appologies for being a bit ham fisted
about the way I did that.


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