See my reply to your last post, conversations are OK, but discussions
resulting in proposals can quickly deteriorate into a short circuit
which excludes other participants from the real process, which isn't
about making a boolean decision but about reaching an informed

On 15/08/06, Jan Blok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There seems to me a huge difference between doing conversations about
code/design (with a possible conclusion to post a "formal"
change-proposal on the mailing list), and making the decision itself.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

>Jan Blok wrote:
>>What could be the problem of any real-time communication medium usage
>>between some community members as long as every one agrees code and
>>design decisions are made on the mailing list?
>Because the reality is that decisions are made on IRC, implicitly.  It's
>hard to engage in an argument that already happened, especially when the
>discussion was very conversational rather than formal :
>A: what do you think?
>B: Well, like you said before...
>A : about the contstructor
>B : no, the other thing
>A : related to using =?
>B : right that it..  it would be better if that was done as Jim
>versus the more formal statements people make in email
>"I'm beginning to agree that ensuring that re-serializing the Properties
>preserves the original delimiter ("=" in Jim's example) that was used in
>the original file."

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