Yonik Seeley wrote:
On 8/26/06, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 From an application perspective, we have great hopes for a cooperation
with the Lucene project.

Great, I think this is something I'd like to get involved in!
I've been thinking about how Solr integration could work.

You then also need a search engine that
can index that extra information and make it available for search.

Without getting into too much detail here, some info could be
immediately usable by Lucene based apps (like entity extraction, where
you can add info via a new field in the document).  Parts-of-speech
type of stuff is currently more difficult of course.


I agree (with all of the above ;-). Where it gets really interesting is with queries like "show me all documents with book references whose author's last name is Knuth (highlighting the reference in the summary)." One might be able to create such a system based on a text search engine with special fields and some sophisticated query expansion, but it would be a lot easier if one had special support for "embedded structures" in the index -- like you need for XML indexing.

I'll be happy to continue this discussion over on solr-dev or wherever is appropriate.


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