On 8/29/06, Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(moved from [EMAIL PROTECTED] since I imagine some people want to say
something who don't read that)

? Um, I don't think you moved it anywhere. ;-)

On Mon, Aug 28, 2006 at 11:39:52AM -0700, Justin Erenkrantz wrote:
> On 8/28/06, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >i have one or two board resolutions that it would be a good idea to
> >bring to the attention of new podlings. since it's board policy, i
> >think it'd be better to link to html documents containing the actual
> >content rather a second hand account.
> >
> >can anyone think of any reason why board resolutions should be
> http://www.apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html
> (They should generally be treated as private until the minutes are
> approved and posted there.)

Huh? Why? What kind of data is in there that needs to be private?

You mean wait 9 months for a TLP to start operating? Or wait implementing
legal policies for about 6 months are they're ratifieid?

If, after a board meeting, there was some kind of (short or long)
that a particular resolution was made/tabled/rejected, I think you could
the board@ people to be reasonable and appropriate about disclosing that
information, sometimes including the full text of the resolution.

That's certainly how I've seen things happen over the last few years (even
the result of board meetings is not always reported informally, when it
is, that
usually prompts near-immediate action). For example, I think loads of TLPs
their "Creation resolution", and I think most of them did that before it
was in
the official minutes. Similarly, I'll bet we had the ASLv1.1 -> ALv2
well underway before it appeared in the minutes.

Up to about a year ago, board summaries were sent to committers@, and so
were public. Since then, they've been sent to members@ instead, making them
private. I don't know the reason for the change, but if they went back to
being public again, I would expect that pieces of them could be extracted
and used as they used to be.

Martin Cooper


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