There are, as I see it, 2 issues being discussed:

   1. Is the Initial PPMC the Initial list of
      committers noted in the proposal. I think
      we've all expressed views in one way or

   2. The CXF-specific issue: that the initial list of
      committers was not only NOT the initial PPMC,
      but some of them weren't even granted initial
      commit privs.

I'd like to address #2 because I feel that this is
something I should have noticed sooner. I didn't. And
I take responsibility for it.

When all this started coming down, the 1st I heard
of it was an Email to some people saying that we
should have a ConCall about some issues that
they had been discussing privately:

   1. That the initial list of committers included
      people who "should not" have been on the list

   2. Setting up the PPMC.

At this point, I must admit that I made a fatal mistake:
I looked at

to refresh my mind, instead of

regarding the committer list. So when we discussed
all this via Email, I was looking at the *current* list
of people with cxf commit privs as compared to the full
list of *who should have had them*. As such, when some
people were trimmed from the cxf list, with their
approval, that did not fully resolve the whole issue.
But I had thought that it had: no one was removed
without their OK and we had a commit list that
everyone agreed was a good PPMC list. You see,
that was what I was focused on, so much that I didn't
really see the other issue. Again, I admit it.

Anyway, as mentioned in a previous Email, my hope was
that we could setup the PPMC quickly so that other
committers could be added in soon, as chosen
by the PPMC. In fact, there is an Infra request
to create the cxf-private list for the PPMC pending.
My assumption was that the list on the site matched
the list that was on the proposal, and that the
main issue was people who had commit but really
shouldn't have in the 1st place. That *was* one
issue, but not the only one.

In any case, had I truly understood that, I would
have urged that we contact those who had not
had commit privs yet, and let those who had
questions or issues with them being on the
list address them...

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