On Oct 20, 2006, at 3:34 AM, Tim Ellison wrote:

To be clear, our snapshots are more than a simple snap of Subversion --
we (the Harmony community) discuss the right time to create the
development snapshot to accommodate known instability caused by work in
flight, publish the snapshot with the required incubator disclaimers,
license and notice files etc., and encourage people to test them and
report problems before we announce them on our website news page.

No, to be clear, a snapshot is (by definition) a simple snap of svn.

What you are calling a snapshot would be what *we* call a developer
release -- the only difference is that you haven't tagged the revisions
(just using recorded revision numbers) and you haven't signed the

In other words, if you have a PGP/GPG key, it would take you less time
to satisfy the Incubator PMC than it did for me to write this message.

Conducting a release, even a faux release, is probably a make-work task
-- I believe we can do it if that is the only concern, just don't move
the goalposts until we get back ;-)

You see, this is why the process is needed.  You have apparently been
doing developer releases all this time, minus the two tiny steps needed
to make them complete. A full release is just a developer release plus
formal vote, which is not necessary at this time given the roadmap.

Becoming a TLP means that you already know this stuff and can enforce
it without any worries from the board.  If this is the last thing you
needed to know, that's great.  [And if the mentors would just shut up
for a minute and let the project prove itself, maybe you can graduate.
That is, if anyone ever bothers to call a vote.]


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