On 11/9/06, Garrett Rooney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On the original subject, CWiki does seem to be partially 'hidden' at
> Apache - I've tried to help, in terms of a patch to add it to the list
> of services documented at http://www.apache.org/dev/services.html#wiki
> (still waiting to be looked at, but it's only been a few weeks so
> far).  An issue issue requesting it be added to the monitored list of
> services was closed as there's been a generic issue open on the
> subject since July, although with no action since then...

If the cwiki maintainers want to fix those things, they'll get fixed.

this is not a kind of attitude i would expect from a professional
organization. a big part of joining apache is the desire for a stable and
maintained infrastructure. we (wicket) came here from sf.net. things used to
go down there all the time, but they would get fixed - it wasnt a matter of
a "want" but part of the service they provide. sorry to rant, but its very
disappointing to see things like these here.


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