On Nov 16, 2006, at 5:22 PM, Marc Prud'hommeaux wrote:
BTW, why distribute a zip package?  Wouldn't it be more sensible to
distribute as a jar?  Just curious.

The zip contains documentation, examples, and the dependency jars required to run the examples.

Yes, I know that -- the point was that the jar format, as in

   jar cvf mypackage.jar mypackage

is a general archive format that uses ZIP compression and can be
unpacked by anyone who has installed java.  Is there a reason to
use a separate packaging format that is specific to winzip?

I use gzipped tar for C releases and jar for java releases, but
I have also seen a lot of other java projects that distribute both
a .zip package and a tar.gz package.  I was wondering if you knew why.


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